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Today I going introduce and
I mean how many times have you searched for something and you haven’t found it. Usenet is one of the most important internet services. It is a collection of discussion boards (news groups) about all subjects imaginable, working with its own protocol and distributed server architecture. In these news groups, whose names are structured hierarchically and usually give a brief description of the content, people post articles and files on Usenet servers with the corresponding software. These articles or files are then transferred via other interconnected Usenet servers to many other networks for worldwide distribution.
Why is usenet not well-known?
Until now, Usenet was solely for internet professionals and insiders: the software for downloading data from the huge Usenet archives was complicated to handle and lacked the most important thing: a global search engine. They are the first Usenet provider to offer this feature, and in our member area, they’ll provide you with exclusive tips on how to get the files that really interest you!
What is UseNeXT’s position on freedom of expression?
It is UseNeXT’s opinion that as a legal adult, you are completely capable of making your own responsible decisions. According to Article 5 of the German constitution, every person living in Germany is granted the freedom to form and express his or her own opinion. Within Usenet, just as in any other part of the internet, you can decide for yourself, which content you would like to access and what kinds of information you would like to view. They do not provide any content on Usenet, but they do provide the platform and service, and assume that you are willing and able to treat them with care. They are against any abuse of freedom of expression, in all circumstances. Due to the huge amount of data available within Usenet, they are unable to evaluate or control any of the content available.
What is UseNeXT’s position on censorship?
Countless people and institutions around the world upload content to Usenet. More than 400 gigabytes of data are being delivered to the Usenet servers every day. This enormous volume alone makes it simply impossible to remove, or restrict individual files without executing mass censorship, which would be in violation of freedom of expression as stipulated in Article 5 of the german constitution. UseNeXT hereby dissociates itself explicitly from all text and file content on the servers. UseNeXT does not have the ability, in any manner, to affect the content available on the Usenet.
Is access to usenet really anonymous?
They guarantee that, when downloading, neither your IP address, nor times of downloads from the news servers are recorded or logged in any way. Your data transfers are only used to measure the transferred volume for account statements and invoicing. In the member’s area, you can check your remaining data volume for the current period at all times. Please note that uploading articles into the usenet is not fully anonymous.
How safe is my personal and banking information?
They are working according to cutting-edge security standards: All business transactions are processed by our recognized payment partner, Safer Pay GmbH. Your information is transferred via 128 Bit-encrypted connections directly with the SaferPay accounting system and stored there securely. When you sign up, your information is secured with the internationally recognized SSL system, as used for online banking.
Advantages over internet forums
Greater speed:
Download without time limit and full bandwidth right from the start. – Up to 25Mbps with DSL/cable
More security:
100% secure access to unfiltered files. Nobody has access to your files and there are no security gaps.
More choices:
Access to one of the world’s largest UseNeXT archives: More than 300 Terabytes (300. bytes) of data available at all times, with 2000Gigabyes added daily.
The easy way:
With their specially designed free UseNeXT software and the know-how which you’ll find in the member are, you can start right away.
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