Welcome to the lucrative world of Affiliate Marketing. In Affiliate Marketing a company pays an affiliate (you) to generate sales from a button, Banner or link placed on your website, newsletter, e-mail or pay per click ad.
There are thousands of companies in hundreds of industries that will pay commissions to you for leads, registrations or sales.
It is extremely easy to become an affiliate. There are several large Affiliate Program Providers (APPs). APPs serve as go-betweens for companies and affiliates. For you as an affiliate, these APPs provide a valuable service. They collect payment from the merchants and consolidate affiliate reporting and payments.
An APP brings companies and affiliates together to form partnerships. A partnership works like this: the affiliate places links to the merchant on their website, newsletter, emails, or Pay per Click ads such as Google AdWords. When a potential customer clicks through the link they are sent to a specified page of the merchant’s site. When they complete the action desired by the merchant (fill out a form, buy something, etc.) the affiliate is compensated.
The APP facilitates all aspects of the partnership and tracks all elements of the transaction.
The top five APPs are: Commission Junction (CJ), Clickbank, Linkshare, BeFree, and Performics.
After this introduction about affiliate programs (I have told you about them on my previews posts.), let’s talk about how to earn huge amounts of money using google adwords.
More than 200 million times a day people use Google and its partner sites to find what they are looking for.
Google AdWords Select is a Pay per Click (PPC) advertising system maintained by Google. If you use Google you have probably seen the AdWords. They appear as little text ads next to search results on Google.
They also appear on AOL, Ask Jeeves, Earthlink, Teoma, Sympatico, and many other search engines.
Content-Targeted Advertising service is Google’s latest addition to AdWords. It displays AdWords ads on web content pages related to your chosen keywords. This provides broader exposure and greater reach for your AdWords campaign. Not only will the AdWords show on Google searches and on the search results of their partners, but also on other websites such as HowStuffWorks, Weather Underground, and Blogger.
With Google AdWords you create your own ads. You choose keywords which tell Google where to show your ads. You only pay when someone clicks on them. You have total control over every aspect of your campaign.
Real-time online reporting tells you what’s working. You can put limits on daily spending. Changes are free and instant.
The Google AdWord system works differently than a traditional Pay Per Click service. AdWords ads are ranked based on a formula of the Cost per Click and the Click Through Rate (CTR), which enables an ads rank to improve without increasing the cost. The better your CTR, the higher up on the screen your ad will be placed. This is advantageous to you, because your ads are more visible to the customer. Therefore, you get more clicks.
Here is an overview of the process:
You write small Google AdWords promoting companies, products and services. In your AdWords is a link that, when clicked, takes the user to the product or service that you
are promoting. Your Affiliate ID is passed along with it. When the customer that clicked through your ad buys something on the site, or fills out a registration form, then you receive a commission. If the customer did not buy at that time, no need to fret, many merchant sites place a “cookie” on the customer’s computer for a certain period (such as 180 days).
That means that, within the next 6 months, anytime the customer goes back to the
site and buys or registers, you get a commission.
I hope that this overview be enough in order you can begin to build your fortune using google adwords. If you need a deep knowledge about this topic I strongly recommend the book written by Chris Carpenter called GoogleCash. In GoogleCash he explains the whole process using examples to illustrate you how to do a keyword research, how to use google adwords, how to set your CPC and how to set entire campaign on google adwords.
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